Tuesday, September 9, 2008

You Can Almost Smell the Desparation!!

It's been a big week on the campaign trail. I've been so busy following this election that my postings are late...very late!
To be honest, I haven't been so all-fired interested so much in John McCain ascending to the highest office in the country that I love so much (I have held nothing back at my distaste for him as a candidate) as I have thwarting the stealth plans for a communist sympathizer ( see -http://www.aim.org/aim-column/obamas-communist-mentor/ ) and friend of anti-American radicals (William Ayers..just Google "Weather Underground") to "change" this country in the same way Castro and Chavez "changed" theirs. At NO time in our history has a presidential candidate had so many ties to so many people who hate America! My motivation has been to defeat this stealth candidate..until McCain had a momentary breath of sanity and nominated a REAL REGULAR AMERICAN as his VP pick! I, like many conservatives have something to look forward to; I for one am hoping that McCain only opts for one term and the reigns of the country can be turned over to someone closer to middle America. One can hope, can't he?
The most striking thing I see since Sarah Palin was nominated as McCain's running mate is this; Can you believe the clamour and the scrambling to discredit this woman by the Obama camp AND the MSM??!! It has become frantic, frenzied and very desparate. After all, the Obamessiah has tanked 10 points this week in the polls (That's one helluva post GOP convention "bump"!) and 15 points among independent likeley voters, with some poll saying he's now lost 20 percent of his support among women!! Astounding! Outstanding!!
Here's just a few of the funny, yet desparate attempts to skewer this lady:

  • Just today Obama took a swipe at Palin's "soccer mom's are pitbulls with lipstick" addage, by stating that "You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig." Now I'm a good ol' boy, so pardon me for saying that anyone that had made that inference about my wife, senator or not, would be at the local clinic having a shoe rectally extracted.
  • Also today, Joe Biden, the poster child for Democratic cronyism, had the stones to say that that Palin "Would be a backward step for women" ( http://briefingroom.thehill.com/2008/09/09/biden-palin-would-be-backward-step-for-women/ ). This is so damn funny, considering Hillary won't say a word about her (she knows her own party sold her out and sees an opportunity to defeat Obama) and Geraldine Feraro has hinted that she might not tow the party line! Seems to me Joe, that if that's the case, then how far back did your party push women by not even nominating one? Hell! She wasn't even considered!
  • Govenor David Patterson ( You know..the lucky shmuck who looks like a cross-eyed, short -haired shoe-bombing Richard Reed who just happened to be at the right place at the right time!) said..again just today mind you...that calling Obama a "community organizer" was code for calling him black! Hunh!? What the!?? Who knew?? Well, by that I guess the Dems think Jesus is black because of last weeks Dem response that "Jesus was a community organizer."
  • On top of all of this niceness, MTV hires a Brittish hitman (he's gotta be that because calling that cross-dresser a comedian was a stretch even Manute Bol couldn't reach!) who not only skewers a sitting president (who gives them a ton of reasons, I'll admit) but makes some fowl and lewd comments about Sarah Palin, even offending some other MTV guests. But hey! We all knew they were carrying water for the jackasses anyway.

Wow. this in just 24 hours. I haven't even touched the surface of the viscious attacks the Obama camp is making AGAINST PALIN...NOT McCAIN!! Why? Because he can't beat her! Middle American...the ones clinging to guns and religion...like the hell out of the girl! I even wanted a bumper sticker that said, "McCain hell!! Palin for President!" The white folks that David Patterson, Rev. Wright and others on the Obama bus (be careful! it's ran over several already!) have maligned for now 18 months have come out of their malaise and now like what they see! And I guess they forgot, but we're still the majority, and we realize we don't have to be guilted into voting for someone who will destroy our democracy from the inside, no matter what damn color he is!! And NOW the chickens have come home to roost......

What you're seeing, my friends, and that smell you're smelling, is the stench of fear and desparation. Both are signs of weakness. The American people will tolerate a lot in a president (and have), but one thing they won't tolerate is weakness! Don't believe me? How many terms did Jimmy "444 days" Carter serve again?