Thursday, January 22, 2009

The New Face of American Racism and the Next Face on Mount Rushmore

Ok. The inauguration is over. All went off fairly well, even though the crowd's were exactly half of the numbers the news media were rambling they would be, and over 5000 of Obama's own campaign volunteers WITH TICKETS were refused entry into the inauguration. But hey. They apologized and said they would look into the problem and have it remedied......for the 2012 election. Ahhh, what's another 5000 under the bus, eh?
Being an evangelical Christian (albeit one with the occasional potty mouth. I'm a humble work in progress) I am fighting the temptation to give the left a taste of what it feels like to constantly read and hear crap like, "Chimpy McBushitler" and other nasty, derogatory, and very stupid things they called former President Bush. I was thinking about referring to President Barack Obama as President B.O., or if he really does something that torques me off, just call him Stinky. But then I would be just like the whining, sniveling, Che worshippers at the Daily Koz, wouldn't I? Even though this has gotten we conservatives absolutely NOWHERE everytime we've practiced it, I going to be respectful and take the high road...for now.
But what I wanted to address is quite a bit more insidious and sinister. It's the sudden rise in racism against those of us with less melanin in their skin, in it's more or less covert stages, that is surrounding the new administration. Now while it has not reared it's ugly head within the new administration, the fact that Obama comes with some of this baggage (remember his pastor, the right racist Rev. Wright?) gives one pause to wonder if this is going to continue, or even accelerate with the new administration. I am well aware that racism has been a part of our dark past in America. And I am also well aware of some of the things suffered by blacks under white governance some 40 YEARS AGO. Mr. Obama himself pledged to unite the nation as Americans..not whites, blacks, hispanics, asians, etc., but one nation (they don't like "Under God" in Libland, but they'll have to answer for that later..not me.), so why is it Barack Obama is surrounding himself with people who make statements like this:

1. Innauguration ceremony. Rev. Joseph Lowery's benediction. It seemed to be harmless pablum enough. You can read the entire text yourself:

If you want just the Cliff Notes, here's the money line..last paragraph:

Lord, in the memory of all the saints who from their labors rest, and in the joy of a new beginning, we ask you to help us work for that day when black will not be asked to get in back, when brown can stick around ... when yellow will be mellow ... when the red man can get ahead, man; and when white will embrace what is right.

Now, I don't know obout you, but I think as a whole, "whites" try to embrace what is right, not all and not all of the time, much as is the same case for all colors, but of course he didn't mention that. He just made the inferrence that whitey did the "wrong' thing. He either made a stupid choice in prose in order to rhyme, which should have been caught by all of the elitist liberals that think they are so much smarter than everyone else OR they saw it and thought a little institutionalized payback would be Ok to slip in there. I think the latter is the case, and Rev. Lowery is one of those old guard race-baiters. Bad whitey. Bad whitey.
2. On January 6, a moldy oldy from the Clinton days emerged to help with the Obama transition to power. You remember the wee Clintonista and former Labor Secretary Robert Reich, don't you?? Well, this troll's been teaching under a bridge at Berkeley (wow. Big surprise.) and now he's come out from under it to help tell the new president how he should disperse the handout..err..bailout...err stimulus...err recovery funds:

So, by Reich's own mouth , we really shouldn't give ANY money to the eeeevil white contractors, even though they are competent and experts at construction and he has admitted as much. It would be better to give that stimulus money to an untrained minority to build that roof over your child's head, or design that bridge you're gonna drive your family over. I know. I know. You may get caught up in a repeat performance of the I-35 disaster, but as you plunge you can meet your maker with your family knowing that the substandard roadway that just collapsed beneath you was built by substandard, undereducated labor, you can feel better that they got a paycheck for the disaster they built and not that evil white contractor. What's even more funny is that the skilled labor unions said absolutely nothing about this comment.
3. Where do I go with this one, and why should I be surprized? You remember how the media touted that the rapper, JayZ would be at the innaugural festivities? Read 'em and weep folks. Racism at it's worst:

Here's a snip:
"No more white lies, my president is black!"

Why am I entertaining the prose of this scumbag? Because he was a part of the unifying and all-inclusive innauguration festivities. I guess we are still haters if we don't submit to white guilt and admit we are the cause of everything bad that happens. And this is different from past racism
Two wrongs don't make a right. Having our turn under the jackboot of oppression does nothing but make yet another crop of bad guys and another crop of angry victims, and the cycle goes on and on ad infinatum. Just like satan wants it to.
In closing, I want everyone to realize something. I don't know if it's white guilt, a need to play nice with the world or what; but no matter what it is, you can be sure of one thing; The Barack Obama presidency will go down in history as a raving success. The only thing that would stop that is if he did something so overtly heinous that the media, whom loves everything about him, would have to report something bad about him. They are two vested. They are all committed now. The first black president cannot fail. He will not. They will be sure of it. He will go down in history as a legend, and stories will be fabricated about him just like Washington and Lincoln. I always thought it would be Reagan up there among the greats, and he deserved it, defeating Soviet communism, but it will never come to pass. The next face to appear on Mount Rushmore will be that of the 44th president. Hide and watch.


Anonymous said...

I didn't know you had a blog. Shazaam.

song and dance man

BabbaZee said...


Contrary to Churchianity's teachings, GOD doesn't care about "potty mouth"
....saying shit does not make you a "bad Christian"
Perpetrating shit does, and you don't, so don't you effin' sweat it.
I have a feeling Peter had potty mouth. Bad. And he's Peter.

Love ya!