Sunday, January 11, 2009

What's old is new again...LBJ style!

Well, I've spent enough time depressed about our "Republican" venture into socialism, followed by our election of the first pro-communist, pro-islamist president in history. I've been informed by my blog friends ( I keep them on a retainer), and rightly so, that it's time to stop lamenting about it, and get off of my butt and get busy exposing the new liberal circus in power for what it's going to be....a long painful ride into totalitarianism.
So I'm investigating this upsurge in social end-stage syphillis that we call liberalism, and I realize that the disease is not contained to The Beltway, but has popped up all over Uncle Sugar's carcass! A blogger friend of mine...Endangered In Massachusetts, one of the few conservatives left in that state (I'm proud to say i know all three personally!) sent me a link about the Gestapo like shenanigans going on with the powers that be there, along with his comments:

Overweight and Untermensch:

The money quote:

"The administration's battle against bulging waistlines also calls for public schools to measure the height and weight of first-, fourth-, seventh-, and 10th-graders and calculate whether a child is overweight"

Which instantly reminds me of this:"

(ED.- Here EIM inserts an infamous picture of someone having their nose measured by the Nazis for compliance)

"Enter the Chubstopo. Think the schools will be handing this information back to the state? How long before the state starts having the Chubbos report what they eat at home. How long before the Chubstopo (state) takes the fat kids away from the parents who don't comply with state mandated weight loss diets using exisiting child endangerment laws?

Need a bypass. Sorry fatso. No free healthcare for you. You may be over weight but you are untermensch.

Now consider the impending conflagulation of government health and mental health parity. Consider the increase in genetic consideration in the Mental Health/ Phsycho-quack Industrial Complex and the fact the government will be the provider, the sky's the limit on the number of ways to institionalize the "mentally ill".

And so it begins or should I say continues..all that is old is truly new again."

Indeed my friend. What's old IS new again. But it's the new disciples of Liberalism Gone Wild that trouble me. It's this sudden upsweep of mindlessness into what we used to call mainstreet. What the left so lovingly calls the flyover states. Even my beloved South is not immune:

Did you see this story? The city of Edwardsville, AL, that has a population of 194 has asked for 375 million dollars in bailout aid to convert them to "green" technology. Of course, the mayor of said town argues that actually does not amount to over 2 million dollars per resident, but actually more like $4690 per person, as this "greening" will actually benefit or impact up to 80,000 rural resudents, how he came up with that number or how it's going to benefit them he's not stated in congruent sentences. The twenty-first century version of the Roman breadline spreads like a cancer, even in areas where you thought people had more walking around sense!

Speaking of no walking around sense, I see the 111th circus Congress is now in session, and they wasted no time in going right to work. Did they pass the nation-crippling stimulus package that the Obamessiah has been carping about from his fashionable podium with the emblazoned "OFFICE OF THE PRESEDENT ELECT" on it? Nope. have they drafted any legislation, god or bad, dealing with the Middle east? Nope. No, their priorities are in order; their first order of business was to change the rules to restrict the number of motions that the minority party could offer:

Now if we Republicans did that, the cries of foul would be heard from the gal who thinks Obama is going to pay her mortgage all the way to the scrotal inflators in San Fransisco! But we hear not a peep from those in Congress and soon-to-be-extinct republicans. Their second little piece of legislative wonderment was to give a nod to the Fair Pay Act:,0,7091859.story
I'm not saying this is an entirely bad piece of legislation, although if a person is too stupid to negotiate a competitive salary, they get what they deserve, but don't you think this could've waited a little while longer while we try to keep Americans from getting ousted from their jobs and their homes?
So I'm back in the saddle for more frivolity and laughs than conservatives deserve. After all, we asked for this by voting the linguini-spined conservatives we got into office the last go round. While we circle the bowl I think we ought to laugh at this madness - laugh to keep from crying.

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